Mr. Henry's Science Page

We have new Chromebooks!  We have a new Activpannel!  We have new desks!  We have a new way of doing business.  Having graduated from Penn State many moons ago it is so refreshing for both myself and your students to work in a district with a progressive future-focused mentality.  My philosophy of teaching continues to evolve thanks to current student centered trends inspired by the likes of author (and my professional idol) Rick Wormeli, and the influence of my latest professional development course:  Hyperdocs!
Look for great things for your student's future readiness to continue to evolve out of our middle school science department.  I am proud to be a part of that team and look forward to the challenge of bringing your student's potential into the 21st century.
Our class uses Google Classroom for many of our activities.  It allows for collaboration in real time and creates a very efficient way to reduce the paperwork and hassle.  All while allowing for constant feedback from the teacher and allowing parents to keep track of what is going on.  Win-win-win.  Here are my classrooms that you or your student will be enrolled in.